June 12-14, 2011 conference 15th Annual Latin American Jewish Studies Association Conference Arizona State University, by invitation only
APR 17, 2012 Annual Student Recognition Event 7 p.m. | Memorial Union, room 202 (Alumni Lounge) | Arizona State University, Tempe campus reserve your place by calling 480-727-5151 Join us for a dessert reception and evening of celebration, as we recognize the outstanding accomplishments of the 2010-2011 Jewish Studies award recipients.
SEPT 9-10, 2012 | conference Judaism, Science & Medicine Group Annual Meeting Day 1: Evolution and Traditional Religions Day 2: The Obesity Epidemic: A Multi-Disciplinary Examination University Club | 425 East University Drive | Arizona State University, Tempe campus
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible
7 p.m.

Wednesday, April 15 | 7 p.m. J.
The Albert and Liese Eckstein Scholar-in-Residence program is made possible through an endowment established by the late Dr. Albert and Mrs. Liese Eckstein, with additional contributions from the Eckstein family and Friends of Jewish Studies.
Improving Holocaust Education in Arizona
Michael RubinoffIn the fall of 2007, the Arizona Holocaust Institute Initiative was established through a partnership between Arizona State University Jewish Studies, Northern Arizona University’s Martin-Springer Institute and the University of Arizona’s Center for Judaic Studies.
Non-Cash Gifts
Please consult with the ASU Foundation or Office of College Advancement about which method is best for you.
Appreciated Property
Publicly traded stock, closely held stock, bonds and real estate can be given as gifts to the program. When considering a gift of appreciated property, enlist the counsel of your personal tax advisor.

Thanks to ASU librarian, Rachel Leket-Mor, who compiled the collection, ASU is home to the largest collection of Israeli pulp fiction outside of Israel.
The IsraPulp Collection is a one-of-a-kind research collection and th