The Albert and Liese Eckstein Scholar-in-Residence program is made possible through an endowment established by the late Dr. Albert and Mrs. Liese Eckstein, with additional contributions from the Eckstein family and Friends of Jewish Studies. The program features annual lectures by experts - professors, authors, and others - in the field of Jewish Studies.
KEN FRIEDEN, B.G. Rudolph Chair in Judaic Studies at Syracuse University
Monday, February 23, 2015 | two public lectures
Travelling to Zion and Beyond: Sea Travel, Translation and the Rise of Modern Literature
10:30 a.m. | lecture | Lattie F. Coor Hall, room 4403 | ASU Tempe campus
American Cinema and the Yiddish Tradition 7 p.m. | lecture | Arizona Jewish Historical Society | Cutler✡Plotkin Jewish Heritage Center
Ken Frieden is the author of Classic Yiddish Fiction, and anthologies of Yiddish literature in translation, such as Tales of Mendele the Book Peddler and Classic Yiddish Stories. He edits the series Judaic Traditions in Literature, Music, and Art; translates from Yiddish and Hebrew; and has edited collections of short stories by Israeli authors Etgar Keret and David Ehrlich.
Cutler✡Plotkin Jewish Heritage Center: Directions and Map
- The Cutler Plotkin Jewish Heritage Center is located east of the Burton Barr Phoenix Public Library.
- Take 2nd Street south from McDowell.