Jewish Studies Scholarships and Awards

Jewish Studies at Arizona State University offers a variety of generous scholarship and fellowship opportunities to students at all academic levels on an annual basis. As long as funds are available, scholarships may be awarded on a rolling basis. Applicants should submit ONE application packet containing a single copy of the items listed below, as required for the scholarship(s) funding for which they are applying:

  • Completed ASU Jewish Studies Scholarship Application
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae and/or unofficial transcript
  • Project proposal or plan of research, up to 1,500 words, including: estimated budget; timeframe; institutional information for external academic study, if applicable (not required for Benjamin Goldberg Memorial Scholarship; Chulew Family Endowed Scholarship, or Schwartz scholarships)
  • Two current letters of recommendation, including one ASU academic reference if applicable (not required for Chulew Family Endowed Scholarship or Schwartz scholarships)

Additional requirements for Benjamin Goldberg Memorial Scholarship and Chulew Family Endowed Scholarship:

  • FAFSA form on file through Financial Assistance Office
  • Statement of financial need included in cover letter or proposal
  • Copy of your Financial Award letter

Scholarship Application

Scholarship Descriptions and Acknowledgments

Awards may be made to students at any academic level with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher enrolled in the Jewish Studies certificate program. Financial need is the primary factor of consideration for this award.

Awarded to juniors, seniors and graduate students involved with the Jewish Studies Program with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above to supports travel, research and study, as approved by the director of the Jewish Studies program in consultation with the student's department chair and/or advisor. 

Awards may be made to students at any academic level with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher enrolled in the Jewish Studies degree or certificate program. Financial need is the primary factor of consideration for this award. Applicants must have a FAFSA form on file with ASU Financial Assistance office. 

This award supports graduate student advancement and thesis research in pursuit of an advanced degree with a commitment to the field of Jewish studies as evident by the thesis or dissertation topic. The funds may be used to underwrite the cost of travel, purchase of necessary equipment, supplies and language training. 

Awarded to upper division and graduate students engaged in studies about Jews or Judaism, providing a stipend to pursue a research project under the direction of an ASU faculty advisor. The project results must be presented in a public lecture and should then be exhibited and/or published. The award recipient is allowed up to one year from the date of the award to complete the project. Candidates must be enrolled at ASU.

Awarded to students enrolled in Barrett, the Honors College and other high-achieving students (based on faculty recommendations), at any class-level pursuing a program of study involving Jewish studies. A commitment by the award recipient to participate in community service in the Greater Phoenix Jewish community is required (suggested amount: 20 hours per semester). Applicants must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3.

Awarded to students at any class-level pursuing a program of study involving Jewish studies. A commitment by the award recipient to participate in community service in the Greater Phoenix Jewish community is required (suggested amount: 20 hours per semester). Applicants must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3.

Awarded to students at any class-level pursuing a program of study involving Jewish studies. A commitment by the award recipient to participate in community service in the Greater Phoenix Jewish community is required (suggested amount: 20 hours per semester). Applicants must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3.

A minimum award of $500 to support travel or research, awarded to seniors and graduate students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above, pursuing a concentration in Jewish Studies (undergraduate certificate of concentration or graduate research related to Judaism) within the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies.

For more information about establishing a scholarship fund, contact Lisa Kaplan. To apply for a scholarship click here.