The State of the State of Israel: “Political Theology Within the Jewish-Israeli Case: A Conversation With Annabel Herzog.”
Monday, Sept. 23 | 10 a.m. AZ time
Annabel Herzog (University of Haifa)
About the interviewee: Annabel Herzog is Professor of Political Theory at the School of Political Science at the University of Haifa, Israel. Her research focuses on 20th-century continental philosophy, exploring the connections between ethics and politics and between philosophy and literature. She has contributed numerous essays on ethics, politics, and hermeneutics in journals such as Theory, Culture & Society, Political Theory, Philosophy and Social Criticism, and others. She is the editor of Hannah Arendt: Totalitarisme et banalité du mal (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2011); the author of Penser autrement la politique (Paris: 1997), and of Levinas’s Politics: Justice, Mercy, Universality (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020), which was the recipient of the 2021 Jordan Schnitzer Book Award in Philosophy and Jewish Thought.
About the series: Nadav S. Berman (University of Haifa) will interview leading Israeli scholars who will reflect on “the state of the State of Israel.” These interviews will explore profound questions on Israel’s current political and spiritual crisis, including: Is Israel interested in peace with the Palestinians and Arab nations, and if so, what kind of peace could this be? What does the Jewishness of the State of Israel mean, and how does it relate to democracy? What is the status of religious minorities in Israel, and whether a messianic interpretation of Judaism is necessarily in conflict with Israel's commitment to democracy?